This film is a collaboration between the filmmaker, Kyrl Henderson, and the artist, Carl Homstad. Carl commissioned the documentation of his exhibit “A Sense of Place”, which took place at Vesterheim Norwegian American Museum in Decorah, Iowa from August 24, 2012 to April 28, 2013. In 2018 Kyrl contacted Carl to ask if the footage had ever been used. The idea was born to document the locations of the art in the exhibit, and grew from there to document the integral nature of Carl’s life and work.
This film is about the work and life of Carl Homstad in rural Northeast Iowa, just outside of Decorah. in a community called “Springwater”. All of the works in the original exhibit were of subject matter within a half mile of Carl’s home in the Springwater community, and the exhibit was set up to show where the art works were in relation to the center of Carl’s life — his home and studio.
The film has been the recent recipient of a “Best Shorts Competition” Award of Recognition for Arts / Culture / Performance / Plays.
This self-funded film production could use your help in making it possible to enter film festivals and pay for some of the production costs incurred along the way. Find out more about our “Go Fund Me” campaign HERE.